hello everyone.
at the time i started writing this newsletter everything had started to settle down but now we are back up in the air again. as of finishing it the future looks even brighter than before and i am at relative ease, but i am doing my best to keep a level head and take things one day at a time. as always i have been busy in my scattered way, and with nothing to show for it i’ll just tell you:
- two commission slots are available! i had the opportunity to work with some fantastic people last round and i’m looking forward to working with more. you can read more about them here.
- created a demo for domestication! my user experiences will be built in astro javascript so this is more a test of basic functionality. i hope you enjoy it nonetheless and let me know if you see any potential areas for improvement!
- i have been making considerable progress on my art log. i am having an absolute blast working with astro and i am hoping this leads towards a full astro rebuild. there is still considerable work ahead but i will let you know if i decide to do a soft launch.
- removed the hit counter from my landing page as it was preventing users from verifying their age and accessing my site. i contacted the company that purchased countapi in 2021 and they said they had no plans to continue supporting it. let me know if you have any leads on alternatives.
- design touch ups all around. i’m good like that.
- a lot of fun stuff happening on codepen. codepen functions as my development sketchbook so i encourage you to take a look if you’re interested, or don’t if you’re not. i’ll put out notices when templates have been completed.
- i’m looking for a flatbed scanner so i can finally scan in mac’s pictures. i was gifted a canoscan lide 400 and none of my computers agreed with it so please let me know if you have any suggestions.
kind of a light letter given the circumstances but i thank you all for reading and supporting me as always. wish me luck on my future endeavors. or something.